ADFCA, SCAD reveal 2.3% annual increase in production of broilers
10/13/2017 11:00 PM

In cooperation with Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi (SCAD), the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) has announced the results of the commercial farms' survey of 2016. The survey covered all commercial farms in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, which are divided, according to the type of tenure, into cattle and poultry farms. The poultry farms include broilers, layers chickens and hens.


ADFCA and SCAD have revealed that the survey's figures showed comprehensive indicators regarding the main characteristics of commercial farms, including the composition and movement of the herd, the estimation of the number of cows according to its characteristics, and collecting data on the quantity and volume of production.


The survey's results indicated that the poultry meat achieved a production increase of 23.154 tonnes in 2016, with an increase by 2.3% compared to 2015. The value of poultry meat production is estimated at AED 345 million. The survey has covered nine farms dedicated for producing poultry meat with an estimated capacity of 2.5 million domesticated birds.


Moreover, the survey's figures showed an increase in the production of eggs by 12.9% in layers' farms compared to 2015. The total number of the produced eggs reached to 402.3 million eggs in 2016, with a production value of AED 182.4 million. The survey has covered seven farms dedicated for producing eggs with an estimated capacity of 3.0 million domesticated birds.

Meanwhile, the survey covered 13 cattle farms dedicated for dairy producing, with a capacity of 24,000 heads. The total number of cattle in commercial farms recorded 20,135 heads in 2016, with an increase of 1.7% compared to 2015, while the number of cattle births was 11,085 heads during 2016.

The SCAD's survey indicated that the percentage of cows was 96% of the total number of cattle. The percentage of cows aged more than two years, reached 55%, while the percentage of heifers reached to 21%. In addition, the percentage of calves reached to 24% of the total number of cattle in commercial farms.


Furthermore, the results also showed that the total dairy production amounted to 104,132 tonnes, with an estimated value of AED 259.3 million during 2016. The figures further showed that the total cash money spent on the workers' salaries, cash wages, and in kind and social benefits, has reached to AED 82.9 million.

The results also showed that the number of commercial farms in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi amounted to 32 farms, distributed between poultry meat (broilers) farms (28%), egg laying farms (22%), hens farms (9%), and cow milk farms (41%).


In the same year, ADFCA has conducted, in cooperation with SCAD, a survey on 98 commercial farms of small producers, included 84 farms for poultry meat, three farms for egg layers chickens, and 11 farms for breeding sheep and goats. The production of commercial farms for small agricultural producers is characterized by a lower production compared to the large commercial farm, due to the establishment of such farms requires prior permit from the concerned authorities under certain conditions.

The figures of the survey conducted on the small commercial farms showed that meat production in broiler farms reached to 4,902 tonns, while production of egg in layers chickens farms reached to 1.1 million eggs. Some of small commercial farms' production is being marketed through the Abu Dhabi Farmers' Services Centre.


ADFCA is monitoring the commercial farms' activity to support and develop the production volume of the commercial farms, due to its positive impact on supporting the local market and food security in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the UAE.

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  • Last Updated On: Apr 16, 2018