ADFCA launches initiative to raise awareness of staff working at new food facilities
3/31/2018 11:00 PM

The Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) has launched an initiative titled "My Facility", to raise awareness of staff working at food-related facilities which are selling meat, poultry and fish as well as veterinary pharmacies. The initiative aimed at explaining hygiene requirements of the facility and obligations of its owner following the regulation no. 6/ 2010, on food safety at all stages of the food chain with the beginning of operational work. During the initiative's activities, the authority's inspector played the role of the facility's owner who is keen on applying hygiene requirements, to introduce employees to best practices while handling of food and veterinary chemicals.


In this regard, Thamer Rashed Al Qasemi, ADFCA's Official Spokesperson, said:" The initiative came within the authority's efforts aim at raising awareness among its stakeholders on the need to apply the best techniques and awareness programmes while carring out agricultural, food, animal inspection campaigns. In addition, it encourages them to apply the best hygienic practices in their facilities, to deliver safe and high-quality food to consumers."


Al Qasemi added that ADFCA is concentrating on taking developmental actions while controlling the wrong food and agricultural practices in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. He noted that the authority is organising several extension and awareness programmes target traders and labours who are working at farms and facilities dedicated for agricultural and animal production, to introduce them to the best practices that would contribute to achieving food safety and agricultural sustainability in Abu Dhabi.


Through its inspection and technical team, the authority has recently carried out the initiative on a number of food and animal facilities operating in Abu Dhabi. The initiative was widely welcomed by facilities' owners due to its importance in educating and qualifying workers as well as improving the quality of their services.

ADFCA seeks to implement its mission aims to realize a sustainable agriculture and food sector, to provide the public with safe food, through promoting the best food practices and awareness programmes it carries out by its inspection teams while inspecting all food facilities that are handling foodstuffs at all stages of the food chain in Abu Dhabi.

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  • Last Updated On: Apr 16, 2018