Workshop to raise awareness of biosecurity requirements in meat slaughterhouses
9/29/2021 11:00 PM

The Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) has organized an awareness workshop on the implementation of biosecurity requirements in red meat slaughterhouses in Abu Dhabi, with the aim of raising awareness of the good health requirements and practices to be followed in meat slaughterhouses to prevent the spread of diseases and to maintain the health of workers and the consumer public, leading to increased biosecurity in slaughterhouses in Abu Dhabi.

The workshop targeted slaughterhouse operators, veterinarians, supervisors, quality assurance and animal care workers in the Abu Dhabi slaughterhouses, where specialist inspection specialists in the control sector of the Authority provided a detailed explanation of the legislation and health and technical requirements and biosecurity requirements to be adhered to in the red meat slaughterhouses in Abu Dhabi.

 The workshop discussed several topics, including reducing the chances of infection and spreading diseases among animals in barns, preventing meat contamination after slaughter and making sure that they are not infected with diseases or their causes. To protect workers and visitors to these facilities.

The workshop received a positive response from specialists who praised the efforts made and the positive impact of such workshops and meetings organized by the Authority, which will contribute to access to a healthy and secure product in accordance with the laws and legislation governing the activity.

The Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority is constantly keen to encourage strategic partners to upgrade the product provided to the consumer and meet the standards of health, food safety and biosecurity requirements by raising the awareness of the owners and workers  of these facilities about the importance of following the regulations and decisions issued by the Authority and the requirements of biosecurity and its positive implications for the activities of the facility.

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  • Last Updated On: Sep 30, 2021